Monday, October 31, 2011

10 things I want to say

1. I really love The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo,The Girl Who Played With Fire,I love Lisbeth Salander(the main character).And I wish Mikael Blomvist was Lemon Tea.

2. I am going to have a dragon tattoo when I grow up.Not the black society one.It's a more elegant,slim,black one.And I will have it on something you can't see if I put my clothes on*smirks*

3.I miss him so much.

4.I want to buy many books and DVDs now.

5.I strongly doubt myself that if I am bisexual or not.But I like boys of course.Though I am worried about that whether Cas will leave me alone after he knows I am that....dirty?Well I don't think he's that kind of person but you know many people,discrimnate bisexual/homosexual people.

6.I want to have tongue piercing,and one on my belly,and another one on.....oh I shouldn't tell you that,too private :D somewhere you can't think of.

7.I love DIY stuff.Recently I am making 2 teddy bears and 1 doll.I cut the patterns,frabric,sewed it by my own :) I am going to learn how to do knitting.It's winter you know...

8.I am so starving :(

9.I can't let my mom see all those things above,also my diary.

10.I am going to post this and delete the viewing history.

Au revoir for now.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

my little dolly

dolly my little girl
didn't squeal a bit
one day i woke up
found that she was sleeping
she didn't move like a stone

if last night i took you out and put you in a box
then maybe you wouldn't die.

my baby died......and she was only 2 months old......

i just handled her body,felt that she was cold.

my baby would never come back.........






Hint: strokes.

Monday, October 24, 2011




happy now?

Sunday, October 23, 2011


I feel like I am on the edge of falling apart now.I almost get there but the seed hasn't exploded yet.Something wrong is in my heart and I know it is a terrible,fatal disease.I just can't erase it.And as it stays,I need to control myself very well.Because I have felt this way before.If I just let it explodes,something horrible will happen.And it will affect Cas,myfriends,everyone that I know.I,myself,will come to an end.
The situation is like Nina in Black Swan.I didn't tell anyone about it because they will be scared of me afterwards.They will think like"Is she crazy?Or something wrong with her mind?".They will stay away from me because I am dangerous.I can be very good and I can be very bad.Depends on what he does to me.But one thing I can be very sure,it's that the disease will go away if he can talk to me.Not the Gmail stuff,it's a long patient talk on msn/facebook.

Fine I guess I'm doing some persuaion or what.
In fact,as long as I can control it,I don't hurt.

This post is so dark.I just hope that he won't stay away from me(although he already does,now).

Sunday, October 9, 2011



Saturday, October 8, 2011

Dull Sat.

A programme that helps to develop teenagers'confidence and skills on public speech.
Toastmaster(not toaster)
Today's meeting was.....dull.The students were not active and we didn't speak a word if we didn't need to come out to give a speech.Crystal and I were playing(holding)each other's hands(and fingers) under the desks.Probably the one sitting behind us thought we were lesbians:D

Honestly,sometimes she uses her hands swapping my belly and legs(since I wear dress).And see how long I can endure.....she is very gothic and .......white.

I am not a lesbian.
I am just being a lil affected by the girls okay?

I am leaving very soon to walk in the Central and Western Districts 文物徑 with Jenny Pisseny,which is so attractive.If somebody says history is for dead people and boring etc,then he/she probably isn't worth living in this world.No history=No 2011=No future.In fact,I loveeeeeeeeeee 1911 Revolution!!!!!!!!And historic sites,museums,old films,music ........I wish I could live in 1900-1970's Hong Kong.

直落去的節目是去科學館/歷史博物館with Rachel.

再直落:DEAD END-----> 13 the Musical

Think positive:He may not appear tonight,maybe he will go tomorrow!
Think negative:He will see me and stab me to death!!!<----more tragic and romantic

I shouldn't promise Rachel I will go............*sigh*

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cloud and Steel

"To someone love is like a cloud,to some is like strong steel.To someone love is holding on,some is letting go."----Perhaps Love

I cannot believe that Tea is going to watch 13 the Musical.
I cannot believe that I promised Rachel to go with her.
I cannot believe that......I don't want to go now but I want to watch the musical.From Young Friends Scheme website I saw this musical but unfortunately it doesn't offer any discount tickets so I the normal one.

What should I do if I really meet him?!!!!!It will be embarrassing enough and he must thinks that I am stalking him!!!!!!

Or I just not going and go to watch movie instead?1911 Revolution is very good.

Why must you watch the Chinese version after you watched the English one?==

I think I should just tell Rachel that we are going to watch 1911 on Saturday.
To avoid some tragedies happen.

i think he will pick me to an empty room and kill me.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lemon Tree

"I wonder how,I wonder why,yesterday you told me about the blue blue sky and all that I can see,is just a yellow lemon tree"

I like that song.

I thought I had deleted the song in my laptop while I was deleting his pictures.But I didn't,I found the music box in the computer last night.....and other memorial stuff.
I couldn't believe I still keep the chatting record!I don't read it anymore nowdays since they hurt,a lot.

And guess what,Joanna Wang released her latest album.Lemon Tree is included.
Also a Chinese version.It is funny because Lemon Tree sounds like Lemon Tea (his name) and the Chinese version is very lame if you sing it like that way......

I was supposed to send him that song in last year's April....but I cancelled it because I was very angry about what he told me about.I....regret?He asked me who's the artist but I just deleted the chatting box and offline.

I am almost collapsed........................................................................................

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Pig's leg

I sprained my left leg in Yat-sen Park last Saturday.And the "marvelous","brave" me went to see the firework afterwards,didn't care about my leg a bit.
When I got home,my mom told me to take off the shoes.......*Gosh* It hurt!!There was a pluck-up stuff on my joint and the back of my ankle,bruising.I could walk properly and each step of floors are scaring me to death.
(Imaginative dialogue---Lemon Tea: HAHAHAHAHAHA,Nice Job,Wet Grassland!!!xD)
Maybe I am mad masochistic,I like the way of my ankle (punch me).I was on duty in the school library on Monday and I felt like "Cool,I'm like a quiet bookworm who is disabled."I just felt nice.Sometimes I would like to try to get cancer,fight against the serious illness,then recover.Or sitting on a wheelchair.I want to try it.......

I think I've got a fever just now.


Alright,I want to drink some water,then have a sleep.Hope that I will dream about you.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


He hasn't talked to me for 12 days.Well it isn't the worst situation,the longest record is 2 whole months.

*groan* He's got a girlfriend He's got a girlfriend He's got a girlfriend He's got a girlfriend ......and I am getting crazy I am getting crazy I am getting crazy....

↑Stop,let us look at our dearest,cutest Brian's latest photo.

Wowowowowoooooo!!@@ So cute right?!!!!Everyone can't take their eyes out of this photo!!!!!!!!\@0@/

Okay I am being superficial for this moment,but in fact:


Hm I think Lemon Tea is being "==" or like "=0=" when he's reading this.

Or he thinks he is cute too? :D

I miss them both I wish one of them can chat with me,just one then i'll be satisfied.