Saturday, December 31, 2011


Don't say it's a new start.
Let's say it's a continuation.
I've done some really challenging and exciting and memorable things in this year:
1.I could control my emotions from exploding in school when it comes to a failure in romance.
2.I participated in 30-hour Famine,I didn't eat for 30 hours!!
3.I played The Abyss in Ocean Park(I almost didn't tie the belt...)
4.I have got over hundreds of dark nights....
5.I took as naps as I could in the summer.
6.I read all the detective books of James Patterson in summer(HK Central Library)
7.I told him that I xxxxxxxxte and watch xxxx.
8.I have discovered a paradise for dating: Didiland
9.I got my first baiser with a girl.It shouldn't be counted as my first time technically.
10.I had talked to him on phone for many times from November :D
11.I had got over the hardest month in F.3: November.Two tests and thousands of quizzes per week,plus tons of homework of a great variety(Record: two tests+Artwork+Chinese History Report+Maths homework=one night)

In the coming year,my wish is as same as last year's.
Hey we still have an hour left!
*Making wish*

I have some targets in 2012:
1.Lemon Tea(he's the goal for me for the rest of the 1000 years)
2.I have to learn calculus.
3.I have to become a Physics+Chem genius
4.My NSS subjects are English Literature,Arts and Chem+Phy
5.I will hang out with him AGAIN AND AGAIN *determine*
6.Same,I want to get closer with him in friendship<---really.

Okay I wanna leave now
I haven't finished studying Chinese History (God damn Qing government it was so useless)

Friday, December 30, 2011

An Old Photo





Milktea Love Songs in Hong Kong

Usually I dislike those milktea-style songs in Hong Kong.They're all the same,rubbish.....

Except some,like Janice.M Vidal and Jill Vidal.They're good,they got beautiful voices and I don't fucking care about whether Jill takes drugs or not.Lilly Allen and Lady Gaga take drugs too so why can't just people accept her?

I found out that every summer I listen to Candy Lo's songs.Just at that specific time,I am addicted to them.*scratches head* I dunno either but just feel like that way,and listen to her songs.

And of course,it leads to crying(喊到七彩)
Candy Lo=盧巧音
Recommended=垃圾(suitable for me),落地開花,喜歡戀愛(the best anti-happy medicine when it combines with Amy Cheung 張小嫻's fictions)

I don't understand why can't she be popular.Her voice is special enough but in Hong Kong,right,the music has already been polluted by milktea-style stuff.

Those golden times are gone....Leslie..........he's the legend.*boasts*


Now comes to my favourite: My Little Airport
The most unique indie band in Hong Kong.They ARE THE GOD!
Recommened:阿煩(it fits me,of course),Rm1210,Terence的心事(初戀ge感覺),介乎法國與旺角的詩意(同男朋友一齊開公司),迷人的頸巾(if one day it happens....niceeee)

Je m'ennuie de toi tellement.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

a tiny light towards the hole

I dunno why.
But after every big arguements and fights with him,or just like before,when the times used to be good,after he offline,I like leaving messages to him.
Because there's always a chance he will read it,and reply.Even it's a humiliating response,I still feel good becoz,at least,he replies me.

But things always dun go in the way that we expect.
Usually he does not reply(especially after some sensitive chat)

But well...a habit.

My diary has finally came to the end.It finished its job during these 2 years.I bought in F1,when I was being bullied by them in school.Since that time I wrote down things and feelings in case something happened.Reading it is a very interesting experience because there's not only words,sometimes
my drawing(the most classical one is Casper starring at the computer screen,showing "J'taime" by moi,he is angry and swearing.And I am standing next to him,holding a bomb xD ),
the crystal we obtained from Copper Sulphate III after crystalization in Chemistry lessons(packed with a little plastic bag),
movie tickets,
paper flower I bought on flag day,
some pages are like being tissed by wolves because I was heartbroken etc
2 cm of thickness,2 years of memories.
I bet he will laugh out loud when he's reading that......since over 80% of stuf is about HIM.
and over 70% ,is about my life after September,2010.

I hope he'll reply my mail I wrote yesterday.Something I should have told him long time ago but i didn't as I was afraid that he would insult/laugh at me.
now i'm not afraid anymore since i've lost my self-esteem.A woman can easily lose it when she's facing the problem: Love.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Confession of a "food" shopaholic

You know.....eating is the most wonderful thing in life.
Eating something GOOD is much more attractive.
For example....deep fried chicken wings?

Two days ago I went to Jusco and bought tons of stuff,well almost my favourite.
One of my habits is to drink/buy special drinks in CitySuper/Jusco/The supermarket in SOGO.Usually I buy them by judging their packagings and flavours.Last time I chose a HUGE bottle of honey green tea,where an ancient Japanese girl and other scenes of garden are drawn.(I admit that I bought because of its BOTTLE,okay?)
And there's a kind of lemonade soda/orange soda which is WONDERFUL \@0@/ It was my best friend in summer when I was doing my "sofa camping".Also coffee yes,Milk Coffee of UNI,smooooooooooth enough.

Out of topic: my clothes yes my out look!I don't care about fashion anymore.I mean...I still read those magazines ELLE ....but not as passionate as before.Since I found that it's totally not worth buying a bag which wastes your salary of whole month!So,now my dress code is: comfortable,lemonade-style and vintage(sometimes).
So you don't have to worry :D I won't dress like a peacock.Maybe a punk t-shirt + a bracelet with nails on it?:p then a pair of Converse plus a tote bag?

Let's see.....I said,I take it as a date.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Aiya So God Damn Messy!!!!!
Gotta tidy up my mind!!!!!

Truth of screamo

Well I don't know what's the reason for being angry,and I don't know why I am angry,But I am just WANT TO BE angry.It is meaningless and stupid but I AM MAD,RIGHT NOW.AND NOW I'M A HEAVY METAL ONE.


Lipids and sugar are all my needs right now.Go to the hell Love!Who needs you?!You're a stupid freaky creepy unpredictable lil disaster.

I hate him.


WELLLLLLLLL IT SEEMS TO BE IMPOSSIBLEBLEBLEBLEBLEBLEBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, December 22, 2011


I want to say,
There is no fairness,
in this pathetic world.
Dreams are untouchable,
You can chase,
But you will never get it.
Talk to me dreams,
after you give me some encouragement.
Why are people so fake?
Or am I too naive?
Or this is what we are living.
The world is dying.
Drag me to the hell if you can,
I think it is much better,
than what I am living.

Someone said you are unpredictable.
I said,"He is just emotional."
You make us feeling embarrassed.
You can defeat others'confidence easily.

So can you just,
Or this is what you've been doing.
But can you,
Or it is just an unreasonable request?
But,At,Least,Sil Vous Plait,Care,

Sunday, December 18, 2011


There were so many things happened in the past few weeks.
1.It has been so cold and I can hardly leave my bed in the morning.
2.Something happened in the toilet in Francais Alliance.
3.My favourite activity with Angela is to consult the country girl.
4.I am becoming a colourful Emo girl.
5.I speak less and less in school.
6.I am looking forward to the Christmas holidays: Musuem,Night with DarkSalander,Books Trip,Museum of Arts trip,Revision plan...wait it isn't.
7.Pressure will be gone after tonight.All the quizzes will be ended tonight.
8.I will die tonight.
9.I am so hungry right now.Obviously turkey can't satisfy me.
10.I passed my French test.
11.I like the comic : Yotsuba.
12.I haven't watched dvds for about....3 weeks?
13.Honestly I wanted to call him few mins ago.
14.I didn't because I started to imagine his tone(angry one).
15.What's for dinner?Grilled Dragon?
16.I didn't follow Casper's instructions.I didn't ignore her,though.
20.She and I did some evil stuff in school.And it will be continued,til the end of the world.*smirks*
21.Those targets that were chosen by us.....they will be dead soon.
22.An everlasting rule: Chapstick+Kiss=Acceptable One
Dry lips+Kiss=Unacceptable One

Friday, December 2, 2011

Toaster's big day

TMR will be a big day for moi!!C'est le competition of Toasters/Toe Master programme!!!!!!AHHHHHI AM SO GOD DAMN NERVOUS!!!

*tidies the hair* well basically i've memorized the script very well.(although i will forget some lines but i will tidy up the mess by my clever brain*boasts*)
props props props!!Crystal hasn't printed the props out!!I am going to give out a speech on Famine between children and believe me,you won't feel bored.You know I'm not the Ms Lok from Castle Peak in today's assembly *hehehehe*

I got scolded by him last night
"Not yet done!!!Don't call me anymore!!!!!!*roars*"
"Not yet done!!!Don't call me anymore!!!!!!*roars*"
"Not yet done!!!Don't call me anymore!!!!!!*roars!"