Friday, August 17, 2012

last post.

Has been 5 months huh?
Time to shut down this blog.
In F3 I've discovered something that means a lot to me. Should be kept in my heart (and my diary) at the moment. Will be shared to my very very  best friend (but --> , not <----->),the only one,though he's ignoring me now. Private little things should be locked. Not revealing out.

I'll only unlock mon coeur to those I trust and love . Some people think I'm naive or idiotic. But the truth is they just don't understand me. Well , I'm not speaking about you. You know what,that day while I was eating the bowl of noodles. You asked me if I was still jealous.
You: Still jealous?
Me: *eats*......
You: Feel a little uncomfortable?:)
Me: *eats*.....

All I wanna say is....*sigh* why do I always hide my feelings? I just wanted to say : Why can you always read through my mind? ...
dun misunderstand.
I like that. That means you know me better than anyone else does nope?

This summer has been short,miserable and hot.
If things could go back again.....opps...same old habits.

Au revoir,Bonne nuit.

just one last little thing: if one day you come to my place,and discover where i hide my 2 can read them. permission allowed. since 99% are talking about you.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


She said I didn't have the emo vibes/not qualified to be one coz I didn't celebrate death or sorrows.
But rite now,I wanna break anything made of anything of everything for the incredibly marvelous sound that symbolizes the existential fragility, that marks the collapse of this narcissistic being's universe, that gives me the excitement I need to light up the room for a bit of the dim light when playing Cosmos by tatu.
I don't wanna go to the Maths tutorial class
I don't wanna be forced to do stuff.
I don't want xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I don't want Valentine's Day to come
I want to eat whatever I want,without my mom nagging me or what
I want to read instead of preparing for the monstrous amount of extra exercise books
I want to study Arts with someone.

was irritated by something ytd.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

對我來說,我覺得世界上最恐怖的感覺是有一日,你醒來,發現你最最最最喜歡的人在你手機、Facebook、Email以致所有媒介都無緣無故的消失了,好像那個人根本沒有存在過。不過你記得所有事。又或是,你見過他一面,說過話,但之後的日子他不理會你,你次次檢查郵箱時都沒有"You've got a mail!"。你會不會覺得其實所有所有所有事情只是一個夢?情況就像Bella Swan在New Moon里失去了Edward Cullen一樣,Edward將照片帶走,不留下一個聯絡地址,其實他有沒有存在過呢?

Friday, February 10, 2012

I feel I am old,but not very wise.
I feel I am old enough to die,but it's not the time.
I feel like we were never friends,
Maybe it was all about a test.
For all the things you have said or done,
Were all lies.
But the fact is,
I don't believe you are fooling me around.
I choose to ignore everything what my buddies told me,
just because I feel like I can count on you.
But the pathetic truth is that,
you never need me.
It's not a fair game,love is always unfair,I know it.
Maybe the feelings of mine aren't the same as what you think,
it's not "liking you"
It's more than it.


Me singing(I can sing):
Eternal Flame

We laughed and talked for hours like I'd known you forever
Like a dream or something from a book
True love has found me
One star-brighter than the others
Two hearts-beating for each other
Now I see wishes really come true
You just have to dream
Nothing's as bad as it seems to be
Believe me
Someone's waiting for you to try
There in the sky
One star-brighter than the others
Two hearts-beating for each other
You will see wishes really come true
You can't stop believing wishes do come true
You gotta believe me
Wishes do come true

I like the lyrics.

Close your eyes
Give me your hand
Do you feel my heart beating?
Do you understand
Do you feel the same?
Am I only dreaming?
Is this burning
An eternal flame?
I blieve it's meant to be darling'
I watch you when you're sleeping
You belong with me
Do you feel the same

This song makes me cry *sneeze*
Say my name
Sunshien through the rain
Of all life so lonely
Then you come and ease the pain

If we can hang out again next time,I will sing Eternal Flame to you.(Music lesson's project)

*Repeat the chorus*

Thursday, February 9, 2012

June Lovers

This was the lyrics we sang today in music lesson,a hymn,but the lyrics reminded me of some love songs.
I just come back from the City Hall.I haven't been there for 2 years,the last time I went there,he was still being steady with me.
I just had the instant feeling after watching the show,so I called you.
Is it stupid?I mean,from all the times,the things I have done about you.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012




得唔得? :(